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Kane Vato

An award winning Creative Director, Videographer & Photographer. Over the years he has worked for some of the greatest Advertising Agencies in London, New York, and Sydney. During his career, he accumulated 13 design awards.

The Rise of the Robots

NVIDIA's Project GR00T has burst on to the scene as a trailblazer redefining the landscape of robotics. Project GR00T is…

Is the Future of Fun at home?

Other than an increase in screen resolution, at-home entertainment hasn’t really changed too much over the last decade. 3D viewing…

Outdoor Adventures

The R2 is poised as a midsize SUV designed for both adventure and everyday use, offering a blend of performance,…

The Electric Porsche Macan

Porsche's best selling SUV has had its 2024 refresh, ten years after the very first Macan went to market. And…

Solar Panels That Create Water from Thin Air

Imagine a singular solar panel, that you could put anywhere on Earth, and it would make enough water for a…

It’s here: Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro is finally here, and the importance of this milestone cannot be underestimated. I've been waiting patiently since…

The annual refresh

This issue's featured store is Living Edge; a Certified B Corporation. They are part of a global community of businesses…

The Sustainable 6 Star Hotel Brand; Soneva

Soneva is a luxury resort with two locations in the Maldives, one in Thailand, a sailboat and a new location…

The Art of Teenage Engineering

Teenage Engineering is known for its focus on combining cutting-edge technology with a unique design aesthetic. They have gained a…

The First Ski Resort in the Middle East; Trojena

The most insane ski resort on Earth has broken ground in Saudi Arabia.

The world’s first at-home health tracking Multiscope

The BeamO "multiscope" integrates ECG, pulse oximeter, stethoscope, and thermometer sensors into a unified device. As asserted by Withings, the…

One to watch: Figure

The humanoid space is finally hotting up. We've all seen the dancing robot demonstrations from Boston Dynamics over the years,…